XIMEA & Perception Park cooperate

XIMEA & Perception Park cooperate

Perception Park & XIMEA cooperate to combine hyperspectral imaging software and camera


The partnership will improve utilization of multi-spectral and hyperspectral imaging tools thanks to size and simplicity


Münster, Germany, April 28, 2015 — XIMEA, a progressive innovator of machine vision products and Perception Park, Hyperspectral data processing specialist, today announced their collaboration towards interoperability between Perception Park’s Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI) software and XIMEA’s miniature Hyperspectral USB3.0 camera product line. Exceptional cooperation between companies transcended the integration of camera and software, streamlining the success of this integration.  

“Combination of Perception System, Perception Park’s unique hyperspectral data processing solution, with XIMEA’s impressively compact HSI cameras is a new milestone for accessibility of this technology. Simplicity of software and camera facilitates design and mass-implementation into user’s hyperspectral imaging applications”stated Manfred Pail, CFO at Perception Park.

Perception Park's Chemical Color Imaging (CCI) represents a new processing technology, which combines essential advantages of the basic technologies of chemical imaging and color imaging (Color image processing) and makes chemical material properties accessible to the broad machine vision community through new approaches to data processing. Dramatic simplifications in handling, as well as the opportunity for real-time processing of highly complex camera data, are the keys to an extensive industrial use of this technology. The abstraction of highly complex spectral information through chemical features makes handling of the cameras on a deep level accessible to the user and interpretable, even without a profound knowledge of the basic technologies.

XIMEA hyperspectral camera line is based on its popular xiQ family of USB3 Vision cameras which features exceptional form factor for today’s hyperspectral imaging: xiQ cameras measure only 26.4 x 26.4 x 21.6 mm and weight mere 27 grams. This results in a proud claim of world’s smallest industrial USB 3.0 and hyperspectral imaging camera. XIMEA achieves this ultra-small footprint by using a single planar rigid board construction as opposed to competing multi-board and multifold flexi-rigid PCB construction, making xiQ easier to integrate into specialized equipment and OEM designs. Extraordinary size and weight is supplemented by low consumption of maximum 1.6 W, easing the power and thermal management design challenges that are critical factors for UAVs for example.

Perception Park’s machine vision bridge, called Perception System, is applied typically by machine builders and solution providers for industrial purposes. Its main markets today are recycling, food, mining and the pharmaceutical industry. By adapting the hyperspectral camera with a machine vision bridge, Chemical Color Imaging turns the camera to an easy-to-understand and configurable “Chemical Color Camera”. Since the output data is in a standardized machine vision format, all available image processing solutions can be facilitated for tasks like decision generation, counting or monitoring based on molecular information. The Perception System standardizes cameras, suppresses disturbing influences and performs hyperspectral pre-processing as well as feature extraction and operation. The output is information extracted per object pixel (per spectra).

According to Max Larin, CEO of XIMEA, “This cooperation between Hardware maker and Software provider is another step towards enriching the capabilities of the smallest, lightest, least power consuming and most cost effective solution in hyperspectral field today”.


XIMEA HSI presentation


Drawing on two decades of experience in the industry, XIMEA offer consists of state-of-the-art cameras with USB 3.0, USB 2.0, PCI Express and FireWire interface as well as X-RAY, Hyperspectral and Thunderbolt™ technology enabled cameras.

For more than 20 years XIMEA has developed, manufactured and sold standard or OEM cameras for machine vision applications in motion control, assembly, robotics, industrial inspection and security, as well as scientific grade cameras for life science and microscopy.

The main distinction is based on extremely robust way the cameras are built while still providing highest speed like for example the USB3 Vision camera line. Learn more about XIMEA at www.ximea.com


About Perception Park
Perception Park looks back on more than eight years of experience in industrial hyperspectral imaging. With its generic data processing solutions Perception Park enables the industrial implementation of hyperspectral cameras for the broad machine vision community. Thereby the solutions of Perception Park take care of all the hassles expected with the implementation of hyperspectral cameras. As a consequence customers can clearly focus on their application development. Visit us at www.perception-park.com


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Press contact:


Perception Park
Manfred Pail
+43 699 10709 408


Ivan Klimkovic
+49 (2501) 964 555 0